John McCrea, Senior Vice President of Business Development, joined MortgageFlex Systems, in 2004, as a Regional Sales Manager. Mr. McCrea has over 30 years of Sales experience in the Financial and Software industries.
Mr. McCrea started his career at State Street Bank in Quincy, MA before moving into the mortgage space as a Sales Executive with First American Financial Services in Santa Ana, California. First American provides real estate information services to the mortgage industry. While at First American, he received several corporate awards and was responsible for doubling territorial market share.
In 1997, Mr. McCrea became a Regional Sales Manager with Harland Financial Services, formerly INTERLINQ Software and now part of Finastra. While with Harland, Mr. McCrea continued his award winning sales record and furthered his expertise in the software field. He was also responsible for training and implementation plans for new clients and managing assets for large sales efforts for both origination, secondary and servicing platforms.
Mr. McCrea is a strong advocate for affordable housing and has helped MortgageFlex deliver a platform designed for the manufactured home sector and has served as Chairman of the Massachusetts Mortgage Bankers Association (MMBA) Technology Board as well as the Board of Directors for the MMBA and currently sits on the NEMBC advisory committee. He also served as a Captain in the Army National Guard, 1984 -1998. Mr. McCrea holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Massachusetts and a military commission from Providence College ROTC.
In his spare time, John enjoys the waters of Fishers Island Sound in CT and NY with his wife Lynda, his two sons. John is an avid sailor, participating in ocean races to Bermuda and other locations.