Flex Media

MBA Servicing Conference Recap!

MBA Servicing Conference Recap!

Flex had a great week in Dallas, showing our solutions to servicers. The best comment of the week? This is the best system I have seen in my 40 years in servicing. Great to hear, and not the first time! [video width="640" height="360"...

Servicing make’s origination better

Servicing make’s origination better

Great MBA show in Dallas!   #MortgageFlex 
#mortgageflexone #los
#partnersnotprisioners #allofus

MBA Dallas with Dalila Ramos

MBA Dallas with Dalila Ramos

MBA Dallas Linked in video with Dalila Ramos #MortgageFlex 
#mortgageflexone #los
#partnersnotprisioners #allofus