What does it take to delight a mortgage servicer? Melissa B. Smith, Vice President at Liberty Home Mortgage Corp. can tell you. Her firm just invested in the MortgageFlexONE servicing system. “I was blown away by how visually appealing it was and how user-friendly.” Like many lenders, Liberty knew that servicing loans meant more revenue, but they didn’t have much experience. “The staff at MortgageFlex have years of experience in servicing and they are happy to share their knowledge,” Smith said. “They have built a system that makes it almost impossible to make mistakes.” Even experienced servicers find plenty to love in this new system, including access to their data at no extra cost, and customizable templates for Foreclosure, Bankruptcy, and Loss Mitigation. The team will be providing demos in Booth 400 at MBA Servicing in Orlando. To schedule a meeting with the MortgageFlex team at the show, call 1-860-460-7418.